Sunday, October 9, 2011

How Ron Paul Can Create a TAXLESS Society

    We have all heard candidates propose eliminating the income tax which came into existence by the same means as did the Federal Reserve bank and by the same co-conspirators. The creation of both was violently opposed by some starting with the Federal Reserve which is a privately run banking system controlled by the international bankers in collusion with the Rothschild Banking Cartel. These Bankster’s make Al Capone look like a Cub Scout as they are nothing but suited criminals that commandeered the entire monetary system of this nation under the auspices of the Federal Reserve Act! These scumbags even used the word "federal" in their title to lead the unwitting masses, (yes that includes you) to believe that the Central Bank was owned by you and me when in fact it is 100% privately run in direct conflict with the United States Constitution. For those of you out there that think government conspiracies do not exist and cannot be covered up, I give you the Federal Reserve Conspiracy which DOES exist and has been covered up, successfully I might add, for 97 years!!
For any of you who think Ron Paul crazy you may be correct because, in my opinion, he's got the biggest brass kahunas of anyone I know for going up against the same cartel which created the First Central Bank later shut down by the first 'targeted for assassination' President,Andrew Jackson who, if you didn't already know it, when asked what his greatest accomplishment as president was, stated "I killed the bank!" His stance against Central banking is why he was not too well liked and frowned upon by our indoctrinators and he was badmouthed in our school carriculums When one dwells upon it with any imagination at all, it seems pretty coincidental that all the Presidents (with the exception of Reagan, I think) who went up against the Rothschild’s Central banking system in America (the Fed), ended up the targets of assassination.

    Both Lincoln, with his printing of "greenbacks" to finance the Civil War, and Kennedy with his Executive Order 11110 and his printing of "United States Notes" which were backed by gold and silver (unlike Federal Reserve notes which are backed by NOTHING) and which he began printing in 1963, became the target, of course,of "lone gunmen."
Ostensibly, these same masters of manipulation, made permanent the income tax, which was their other plan to screw the populace or "citizenry" as well. By the way for those of you that think the status "citizen" is a good thing, I protest. Citizenship is nothing more than a mechanism for government to control you through "jurisdiction" and being a citizen is no honor at all as it makes you their property! But I’ll get into that on another blog.
Let's proceed to the crux of this blog, taxation, including but not limited to the Income Tax. I have heard the cries from many a candidate promising to reduce taxes, but Congressman Paul has actually been quoted on several occasions saying he would end the Income Tax. Bravo Ron but I think you could take it much farther than that and I think you should! I propose elimination of ALL taxes and implementation of a plan concocted by none other than Eric “WhoRU” Williams along with his 28th Amendment to the Constitution which can be seen here at this link:

      In a nutshell, this seemingly awesome and controversial proposal would end all taxation and replace it with the interest from all loans which would be diverted from the hands of the Federal Reserve and the international bankster’s to a newly formed Central bank controlled and run by we the people as it should be, if a Central Bank is allowed to exist at all, and the interest from all loans would be plenty to run a more streamlined governing body with new “greed” stipulations placed into our Constitution eliminating our government’s ability to borrow on credit as per our Founding Father Thomas Jefferson who once said:

"I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution - taking from the federal government their power of borrowing."

I don’t even have to ponder why Jefferson said that!

Dear Congressman/Candidate Ron Paul, I appeal to you in the name of rationality and sanity to objectively analyze this plan and, after proper scrutiny, at least comment on its feasibility or the lack thereof to point out where it is wrong as I may be missing something here, as based upon what I have thus far read. This plan makes perfect sense to me despite the fact that it allows for paper money not backed by gold and silver in direct conflict of Mises and Austrian Economics. You whom I admire for your backbone against taxation, the Federal Reserve and the machine I implore to expound upon this and if you find it can work, reconsider and re-evaluate for the good of all in the United States. I will be watching with earsperked up and eyes wide open to hear your response.

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