Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How They Have Brainwashed You


    For all of you that don’t think you are victims of mass brainwashing through very simple propaganda techniques, think again! It is really not surprising at all when you think about it. For example let’s take the fact that we all understand that killing someone is wrong and that if we do so and get caught, we will probably spend most, if not all of our lives in jail. Murder is one of the four crimes along with trespass, rape and theft that most would agree are no brainers when it comes to the commission of such.  Anyone with any wits at all understands these four crimes to be wrong with very little or no coaxing at all.  In fact, that said, these four crimes are the only true Common Law crimes. So how is it then that when your government goads you into a war where perhaps millions will die, you don’t even give it a second thought?  Why is it that it is wrong for you to kill one on one, but it is all right to venture off into another land at the behest of your governing body and kill en masse just because they say it’s okay to do so?   Sorry, but this is not going to be just another anti-war rant, but rather a cold, hard look at government manipulation through thought control via the media and education system of you, and yours.

    Please, keep in mind those in charge have had a long time to work on us all and have done a pretty good job of making cold blooded killers out of us all, while most seem oblivious to it. The government tells you what to feel and you feel it. They tell you we have been attacked, and you mindlessly believe them though they produce no tangible evidence of an attack or who orchestrated it with any substantial proof, and have been caught at false flag operations in more than one instance such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident which launched us into the Vietnam war which killed over 2 million Vietnamese and 60 thousand of our own countrymen.  All that death was based on an inside job lie!

 What the protagonists do is alert your sense of patriotism and you become all up in arms against the adversary and anyone that questions the status quo is considered unpatriotic or crazy. Keep in mind that war is very profitable for some and always has been. Most people don’t seem to have the ability to fathom just what is really going on. Why are we constantly mired in war? The profits is why and I assure you in most cases for the past century the same war profiteers names will keep coming up.

 Here are two quotes that I think you’ll find of interest:

Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

I especially like the last two sentences of that paragraph it is chilling considering the source, that being Hitler’s top henchman!  Now here’s one from Hitler himself:

By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise. - Adolf Hitler

Interesting huh? Do you think Hitler was the only leader using that strategy? Think again as ours have torn a page out of the same playbook and utilized it for some time. Now all you need to realize that it wasn’t or isn’t surprisingly enough, Hitler’s government that takes advantage of its citizenry, but rather ALL governments that do so. It’s simply a matter of time before it occurs. That is just another way you have been mesmerized by your governing body. In doing their bidding through your indoctrinated sense of patriotism you care not who they kill or why they kill them and presume they do the right thing every time without question. But they don’t and you are fooling yourself if you believe they do. Allowing the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and our so called intel agencies to run rampant on the planet is no different than allowing your child to remain in the candy store by himself without expectation of over indulgence! In fact, I dare say that the child in the candy store would be a much safer bet than our leaders with all that money to spend and benefit from. So for all of those that think that it is okay to mass murder because your government said so, I think it’s time for  some serious reevaluation of your belief system and just how mesmerized and dependant you have become with them. 
By the way, this is just one exaple.

Is Delavan WI Judge James A. Ritchie Breaking the Law?


           While sitting with a friend of mine I was abhorred by a call she received from Delavan Wisconsin Judge James A. Ritchie. Ravyn was only 15 years old when these alleged offenses occurred and was under her mothers supervision as a minor. Now ten years later, this judge has not only discarded the statute of limitations but has recuscitated these old cases to collect fines for the state!   I don’t know when things changed so radically in this country where a Judge acts as a prosecutor rather than the unbiased and impartial entity he is supposed to be, but Judge Ritchie seems to have risen to new levels by taking matters of state into his own hands concerning fine collections, and in my humble opinion, should probably be disbarred for doing so.  His actions are so far outside judicial purview that he should be called a prosecutor instead of a judge. Am I missing something here? In an article titled New Delavan judge, clerk working to restore court by Darryl Enriquez in the December 20, 2010 Janesville Gazette Extra, Enriquez seems to praise Judge Ritchie for his work when he states

  “A New Delavan Municipal Judge Jim Ritchie, who took office in May, and Sandi Jeffrey, his court clerk, have implemented fresh practices for courtroom conduct and fine collections.”

    Fresh practices for courtroom conduct and fine collections? I’ll say. This judge has become an advocate for the state! My question is, since when does it fall within judicial duties to work as a cop, secretary and a prosecutor for the state? Judges are supposed to be impartial and unbiased. Isn’t it somewhat biased for a judge to be personally involved in dredging up cases from ten years ago and wouldn’t that bias substantially influence his decision making? I conclude yes! Furthermore, the statute of limitations on most crimes of minors outside of murder is 2 years beyond their 18th birthday, how is it that Ritchie has somehow contorted the law to allow for this?

    It states in the Supreme Court Rules of Judicial Conduct the following:
SCR 60.03 A judge shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all of the judge's activities.

(1)             A judge shall respect and comply with the law and shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.

SCR 60.04   A judge shall perform the duties of judicial office impartially and diligently.

          The judicial duties of a judge take precedence over all the judge's other activities. The judge's judicial duties include all the duties of the judge's office prescribed by law.

          (1) In the performance of the duties under this section, the following apply to adjudicative responsibilities:

          (a) A judge shall hear and decide matters assigned to the judge, except those in which recusal is required under sub. (4) or disqualification is required under section 757.19 of the statutes and except when judge substitution is requested and granted.

          (b) A judge shall be faithful to the law and maintain professional competence in it. A judge may not be swayed by partisan interests, public clamor or fear of criticism.


Have we all become so complacent that we will continue to stand for this? The judge is supposed to be an unbiased arbiter of law, which means he is never supposed to take sides, this would include digging up several year old cases the city or state has against an individual and reviving them! With all the above in mind the Gazette article continues:

“Ritchie attributes the revenue uptick to Rambo-like efforts he, Jeffrey and the Delavan Police Department have devised to track down scofflaws and restore credibility to the local court.”

Rambo like efforts by a Judge?  Credibility?  How does a Judge that acts as a prosecutor restore credibility?  He may be filling the city coffers, but he’s doing so unethically by standards under the SC Rules of professional conduct he swore an oath to serve under.

Enriques further states: A payment technique Ritchie immediately used was to call to court adults who were way past due on payments and to send them to Walworth County Jail until fines were paid.”

A payment technique? Calling people 10 years after these petty violations to strong-arm them using a threat of warrants and imprisonment is hardly impartial and borders on government tyranny. In fact, a judge taking it upon himself to call her at all is in and of itself improper by any stretch of the word!      

"You should have seen it, we had squads lined up to take them to jail," Ritchie said. "And some ducked out of court to pay their fines at the (City Hall) counter to avoid going to jail."

Does the above statement sound impartial to you?   There is such a thing as a statute of limitations, isn’t there. Under Wisconsin Statutory Code 939.74 it states that the statute of limitations on all misdemeanors is 3 years.  How does this judge explain the resurrection of these misdemeanors and why is this considered to be acceptable? Furthermore, how is it that Judge Rambo can prosecute someone who was a minor after himself dredging up the case which should have been dead after the first three years were up, but most certainly should have been closed 2 years after my friends 18th birthday at age 20 when the statute of limitations is up on crimes of minors.  In the above quote Ritchie sounds more like the legend of Judge Roy Bean than a hero. I realize, as does this judge I am certain, that most people cannot afford to appeal an erroneous ruling and are forced to comply or go to jail. This is simply wrong and as I told the judge in my telephone conversation with him, he oughtta be ashamed of himself! That said any judge knowledgeable of that fact could use it to their advantage against an unwitting populace.   I call on all of you who have been victimized by this inappropriate behavior and have been strong armed by this judge to send letters , emails and make phone calls to the City of Delavan protesting this judge, and call the Wisconsin bar Association to report these judicial  improprieties as soon as possible. For more information you can contact me at 

Dave Beaulieu

Sunday, October 9, 2011

How Ron Paul Can Create a TAXLESS Society

    We have all heard candidates propose eliminating the income tax which came into existence by the same means as did the Federal Reserve bank and by the same co-conspirators. The creation of both was violently opposed by some starting with the Federal Reserve which is a privately run banking system controlled by the international bankers in collusion with the Rothschild Banking Cartel. These Bankster’s make Al Capone look like a Cub Scout as they are nothing but suited criminals that commandeered the entire monetary system of this nation under the auspices of the Federal Reserve Act! These scumbags even used the word "federal" in their title to lead the unwitting masses, (yes that includes you) to believe that the Central Bank was owned by you and me when in fact it is 100% privately run in direct conflict with the United States Constitution. For those of you out there that think government conspiracies do not exist and cannot be covered up, I give you the Federal Reserve Conspiracy which DOES exist and has been covered up, successfully I might add, for 97 years!!
For any of you who think Ron Paul crazy you may be correct because, in my opinion, he's got the biggest brass kahunas of anyone I know for going up against the same cartel which created the First Central Bank later shut down by the first 'targeted for assassination' President,Andrew Jackson who, if you didn't already know it, when asked what his greatest accomplishment as president was, stated "I killed the bank!" His stance against Central banking is why he was not too well liked and frowned upon by our indoctrinators and he was badmouthed in our school carriculums When one dwells upon it with any imagination at all, it seems pretty coincidental that all the Presidents (with the exception of Reagan, I think) who went up against the Rothschild’s Central banking system in America (the Fed), ended up the targets of assassination.

    Both Lincoln, with his printing of "greenbacks" to finance the Civil War, and Kennedy with his Executive Order 11110 and his printing of "United States Notes" which were backed by gold and silver (unlike Federal Reserve notes which are backed by NOTHING) and which he began printing in 1963, became the target, of course,of "lone gunmen."
Ostensibly, these same masters of manipulation, made permanent the income tax, which was their other plan to screw the populace or "citizenry" as well. By the way for those of you that think the status "citizen" is a good thing, I protest. Citizenship is nothing more than a mechanism for government to control you through "jurisdiction" and being a citizen is no honor at all as it makes you their property! But I’ll get into that on another blog.
Let's proceed to the crux of this blog, taxation, including but not limited to the Income Tax. I have heard the cries from many a candidate promising to reduce taxes, but Congressman Paul has actually been quoted on several occasions saying he would end the Income Tax. Bravo Ron but I think you could take it much farther than that and I think you should! I propose elimination of ALL taxes and implementation of a plan concocted by none other than Eric “WhoRU” Williams along with his 28th Amendment to the Constitution which can be seen here at this link:

      In a nutshell, this seemingly awesome and controversial proposal would end all taxation and replace it with the interest from all loans which would be diverted from the hands of the Federal Reserve and the international bankster’s to a newly formed Central bank controlled and run by we the people as it should be, if a Central Bank is allowed to exist at all, and the interest from all loans would be plenty to run a more streamlined governing body with new “greed” stipulations placed into our Constitution eliminating our government’s ability to borrow on credit as per our Founding Father Thomas Jefferson who once said:

"I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution - taking from the federal government their power of borrowing."

I don’t even have to ponder why Jefferson said that!

Dear Congressman/Candidate Ron Paul, I appeal to you in the name of rationality and sanity to objectively analyze this plan and, after proper scrutiny, at least comment on its feasibility or the lack thereof to point out where it is wrong as I may be missing something here, as based upon what I have thus far read. This plan makes perfect sense to me despite the fact that it allows for paper money not backed by gold and silver in direct conflict of Mises and Austrian Economics. You whom I admire for your backbone against taxation, the Federal Reserve and the machine I implore to expound upon this and if you find it can work, reconsider and re-evaluate for the good of all in the United States. I will be watching with earsperked up and eyes wide open to hear your response.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Is Ron Paul Todays Thomas Paine?


   One  of the most influential and underrated figures in the history of this country is without a doubt Thomas Paine.  Paine who was an anti-Federalist, which is most likely the cause for his absence from our curriculum, had more to do with the formation of this country’s government than any other figure in our history.  I say this because Paine was single-handedly the most significant figure whose hand played a major role in the Revolutionary war and the Declaration of Independence than any of the Founding Fathers. In fact, it is my fact based assertion that Paine should have had shrines built of him as did all the Federalists.  Funny how the anti-Federalists, save for Patrick Henry, were barely mentioned. I have concluded that this is simply because the Federal  Government had no want, need, nor desire to allow people to know about them or their role for fear they might catch on to the fact that they had been duped out of true freedom from the biggest tyrant of all, the Federal Government itself!

   Though, throughout time, we have been cajoled into the premeditated mindset that the founding fathers could do no wrong, I assert otherwise. In fact, I can’t understand why anyone would think they were any less calculated than our politicians are today? Further, that they had actually hatched, (or  conspired) their own plan to take control of this portion of the American Continent.  In the vague history lessons I was presented with in school much was surely left out in order to paint a prettier picture. History is always written to depict the best of government as its media usually, as now, comes under the control of that governance, in one form or another. Never mind that George Washington was stealing his slaves’ teeth to utilize them for himself, and that he even had slaves, he was painted as a hero to package and sell to generation upon generation. This is indoctrination at its finest. This form of mind manipulation carried out via the school system history lessons reminds me of the Nazi Germany schoolrooms with the children saluting their leader, Adolf Hitler. The same techniques have been used on us for over two and a half centuries. We must stop the tyranny of our Federal Government through all of its equally out of control federal agencies like the IRS, CIA, FBI, DEA and the newly created Homeland Security to name a few which have done nothing but infringe upon us and force our [supposed] will upon other nations about the globe by economic sanctions and war.  While our governing body commits these heinous acts, our media sits idly by reporting nothing but government sound bites. It is my assertion that we are all as Daniel Webster put it, “the dupes of designing men.”  Those designing men come in the form of the unelected monetary masters whose money runs our leaders like puppets on strings and coerces the voting through media and monetary manipulations with a list of such that would take an entire encyclopedia set to divulge. Paine once stated:

“It has been thought a considerable advance toward establishing the principles of freedom, to say, that government is a compact between those who govern and those who are governed: but this cannot be true, because it is putting the effect before the cause; for as a man must have existed before governments existed, there necessarily was a time when governments did not exist, and consequently there could originally exist no governors to form such a compact with. The fact therefore must be, that the individuals themselves, each in his own personal and sovereign right, entered into a compact with each other to produce a government; and this is the only mode in which governments have a right to arise, and the only principle on which they have a right to exist.”

     That, to be sure, was Paine’s reassurance that he was against big government and thus an anti-Federalist.

        Thomas Paine was a pioneer and visionary way ahead of his time in many ways as he spoke out against big government , slavery, treatment of the Indians and for  the equal  rights of women today we have come to a point in our true history where we need a dozen Thomas Paine’s to set us on a far better course, but it appears all we have is one  man I liken to Paine and that is Ron Paul, who for his efforts of equal vision with his voice against the Federal Reserve, our massive federal government and the rights of man gets shunned by the mainstream media and his seemingly less educated and more timid government peers.  Nonetheless, Congressman Paul has awaken possibly enough of the populace to do what Paine before him has done, create a Revolution. Hopefully, not a bloody Revolution, but one of rationality and words,  and one which seems to be growing considerably in the form of Occupy Wall Street as I post this, that is clearly indicative that .

In 1786 Thomas Paine wrote about the effects of paper money and the monetary system in comparison to Gold and Silver Coin as Tender in Payment of debts.

 He wrote:

Man has no share in making gold or silver; all that his labors and ingenuity can accomplish is, to collect it from the mine, refine it for use and give it an impression, or stamp it into coin.

Its being stamped into coin adds considerably to its convenience but nothing to its value. It has then no more value than it had before. Its value is not in the impression but in itself. Take away the impression and still the same value remains. Alter it as you will, or expose it to any misfortune that can happen, still the value is not diminished. It has a capacity to resist the accidents that destroy other things. It has, therefore, all the requisite qualities that money can have, and is a fit material to make money of — and nothing which has not all those properties can be fit for the purpose of money.

Paper, considered as a material whereof to make money, has none of the requisite qualities in it. It is too plentiful, and too easily come at. It can be had anywhere, and for a trifle. . . .

But when an assembly undertakes to issue paper as money, the whole system of safety and certainty is overturned, and property set afloat. Paper notes given and taken between individuals as a promise of payment is one thing, but paper issued by an assembly as money is another thing. It is like putting an apparition in the place of a man; it vanishes with looking at it, and nothing remains but the air. . . .

By what power or authority an assembly undertakes to make paper money, is difficult to say. It derives none from the Constitution, for that is silent on the subject. It is one of those things which the people have not delegated, and which, were they at any time assembled together, they would not delegate. It is, therefore, an assumption of power which an assembly is not warranted in, and which may, one day or other, be the means of bringing some of them to punishment.

I shall enumerate some of the evils of paper money and conclude with offering means for preventing them.

One of the evils of paper money is that it turns the whole country into stock jobbers. The precariousness of its value and the uncertainty of its fate continually operate, night and day, to produce this destructive effect. Having no real value in itself it depends for support upon accident, caprice, and party; and as it is the interest of some to depreciate and of others to raise its value, there is a continual invention going on that destroys the morals of the country.

It was horrid to see, and hurtful to recollect, how loose the principles of justice were left, by means of the paper emissions during the war. The experience then had should be a warning to any assembly how they venture to open such a dangerous door again.

As to the romantic, if not hypocritical, tale that a virtuous people need no gold and silver, and that paper will do as well, it requires no other contradiction than the experience we have seen. Though some well-meaning people may be inclined to view it in this light, it is certain that the sharper always talks this language.

There are a set of men who go about making purchases upon credit, and buying estates they have not wherewithal to pay for; and having done this, their next step is to fill the newspapers with paragraphs of the scarcity of money and the necessity of a paper emission, then to have a legal tender under the pretense of supporting its credit, and when out, to depreciate it as fast as they can, get a deal of it for a little price, and cheat their creditors; and this is the concise history of paper money schemes.”

How much detailed could Paine have put it? Now, astonishingly, 225 years later Ron Paul echoes Paine on monetary policy and likewise he suffers the same roadblocks for those efforts as did Paine. First off, Paul was the most prominent Republican Congressman to publicly announce in the Presidential debates that the Central Bank known as the  Federal Reserve was a corrupt, unconstitutional, privately run entity that should be shut down, and is solely responsible for our economic woes. Secondly, he is being shunned by his own party, as well as the Democrats for his outside the box, visionary views as was Paine before him. Thirdly, he is being snubbed and marginalized by the media, including the debate referees, despite his being a clear top contender for the Republican Party Nomination, which they pathetically seem to fear for what I believe to be obvious reasons. Not only had the repeatedly thrown him curve balls throughout, the 2008 election, they continue to do so 4 years later, in the 2012 election despite his obvious momentum which evinces itself despite the media blackout.  Certainly, if Paul had the media behind him, rather than stifling him, he would, in my opinion, most probably beat Obama handily in the 2012 election. For my money, with the mainstream so against him the way they are, that makes him all the more an attractive prospect for my vote!

      So, is Ron Paul an anti-Federalist like his predecessor Thomas Paine? Only Paul knows, but I myself see striking similarities between the two men which give pause and hope that the Ron Paul campaign is alive and well and may truly be the new Revolution of the new century!