"The notion that somehow the United States was torturing anybody is not true," Cheney told an audience at the American Enterprise Institute at an event to promote his new book. "Three people were waterboarded and the one who was subjected most often to that was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and it produced phenomenal results for us." "Another key point that needs to be made was that the techniques that we used were all previously used on Americans," Cheney went on. "All of them were used in training for a lot of our own specialists in the military. So there wasn't any technique that we used on any al Qaeda individual that hadn't been used on our own troops first, just to give you some idea whether or not we were ‘torturing' the people we captured."
Well Dick, I vehemently disagree with you that for one, the use of waterboarding gleaned any information that had not already been realised without your heinous techniques, and two, that the techniques used did not constitute torture! In fact, I would love to have the opportunity to prove that to you, with your permission of couse, if you would allow me to strap you down to a table and perform a waterboarding upon you because I am very suspicious Dick, of your role in the September 11, 2001 attacks upon the United States and firmly believe that you were partially responsible and involved in said attacks! In fact Dick, I first became suspicious due to the think tank known as the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) which you and other highly notable Neocons were founding members of and all f which held starring roles in your administration after the coup you pulled on BushCo to win the White House. Yeah Dick, You remember e PNAC dont't you? That was the group of Zionist neocons you gathered together in 1997 to figure out a means to not only steal the election,but also to expand our military presence about the world and to boost military spending by a quantum leak as well for whatever nefarious purpose imaginable! Clearly, your gains by these objectives have been astronomical, unquestionable and financially gratifying for you personaly. I still can't forget the line I read in your 2000 Rebuilding Americas Defenses dossier which states:
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."
Gee Dick what a prophet you are foreseeing that catastrophic and catalyzing event! Furthermore Dick, I have dozens of questions I would love to put forth on your "secret" Cheney Energy Commission and in regards to 9-11 I would like to ask the following questions, and if you don't mind, I would like to strapyou to the table and pour water down your face if I may to ascertain the truth seeing as you don't see any problem with it all. Here ar just a couple of the questions I would ask you:
1.) Isn't it so that you and Rumsfeld altered Flight intercept protocols prior to the September 11, 2001 artacks on the WTC and Pentagon in July 2001?
2.) Isn't it a fact that on May 8, 2001 President George W. Bush made you the head of a new office called the Office of National Preparedness which gave you full control of all Federal Agencies including FEMA?
3.) Isn't it also a fact that you assumed all power in the September 11, 2001 attacks when Junior was at the Emma Booker Elementary School reading, (or pretendiing to read), the Goat Story to the children in that highly publicized event? The fact that you knew well in advance of that event and were a huge supporter of it makes me more suspicious than ever of your role in the attacks.
4.) Were you or were you not the most visited Vice President in history to the Pentagon in even prior to September 11, 2001 by a quantum leap, and why was that?
5.) What was discussed in the Cheney Energy Commission that was so secret it had to be classified?
6.) What was the information redacted in the first report on the September 11, 2001 attacks?
7.) What was in the "unsworn" 9-11 Commission testimony you gave with Junior by your side that was so private that the American people had no right to hear it?
8.) Why did you stall for 17 months after the 9-11 debacle to perform any investigation into the deadliest attack upon this country when all the evidence was carted away and it was cleaned up?
9.) What was your private financial gain from the September 11, attacks on our nation through Halliburton and any other conduits?
10.) Why did you gag Sibel Edmonds?
These are just a few of the more than 50 questons I 'd love to waterboard you on. Since you have no problems with waterboarding or other enhanced interrogation methodology I'd like to try a couple others on you including tying you to a microwave oven and turning it on for 30 minutes.
Please respond to this blog in kind and let me know when we can get started as I'd like to get to the bottom of these nagging questions as soon as possible.
Awesome Hit, You should write one on the PNAC next.