Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2001 Who's is the Biggest Conspiracy Theory?

    Before I begin to discuss the 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001  I’d like to call your attention to what it is that makes you an intelligent and thinking human being, above all other life on Earth, which is your capacity to reason .  Your intellect is the product of the information put before you and assimilated by you.  How you make your decisions in life is all based upon the sensory input you have to draw from and how you utilize that information?  For example,  what  if there were two identical people exactly the same in every way and one was brought up in some third world country with little education while the other was here in the U.S.  in the finest schools available? Clearly, there would be a tremendous difference in the thought processes of the lesser educated than that of the more privileged individual, despite government programming techniques. Their abilities to reason things out rationally in various situations would most probably result in different outcomes. That said what if you were taught misinformation and lies your entire life from people you trusted to be honest? The information you had to draw from would all be based upon that misinformation, omissions, distortions and lies. That too would affect your ability to reason.  I personally would be quite insulted and disgusted if I found that to be true because I would consider that a sort of attack on  my character and intellect .   Unfortunately, it seems to be true via the indoctrination process  provided  by the government  through its own  brainwash factory, the public school system, in tandem with the lapdog mainstream media. So, what if you found what I say to be true?  What would you do to reverse or compensate for the damage, anything? Would you continue on trusting the person or entity knowing you’d been hoodwinked by them before, or call them on it and take steps to correct it? I know I would!  That said let me continue, but first let me say that all those who perished as a result of the activities of that day deserve the truth to be told no matter what the repercussions are. That clearly has not happened as there has really never been a true investigation into those events and the truth is mired in secrecy and collusion which desecrates their deaths and demeans their lives because those in positions of power might be exposed in some shady dealings and they fear retribution if the full truth be told. In my fact based opinion, I am certain that is the case.  

   While watching the dedication of the new memorial to Flight 93 I could not help but reflect on the fact that the memorial is resting at a very questionable site. Why I say that is because it is a proven fact that debris and body parts from Flight 93 was strewn for over seven miles, some of which ended up in 3 miles away in  Indian Lake and it most certainly did not roll there! So I then must ask myself, just how could debris from the plane be scattered seven miles if it crashed into the ground? Indeed, the photos of the doomed flight show nothing resembling a commercial jet even upon close scrutiny, yet proponents of the mainstream theory say that was the crash site.  Well, even if it is where most of the debris was accumulated does that mean the flights ill fate occurred there or simply ended up there? Did it crash or did it explode? I don’t know about you, but when evidence dictates otherwise, I have to perform my own research to ascertain the truth based upon verified information. In my opinion the entire story of what occurred on that fateful date in history, which escalated our current police state, is shrouded in secrecy, lies, inaccuracies, omissions, distortions and gaggings of those with a different take on the events of the day than the government and their lapdog media continue to tout as truth. I don’t know about you, but  I was taught that if something is even 1% false, it is not true and I would aver that the scattered remains of Flight 93 would put that part of the saga far more than the 1%  margin. About Flight 93 I can honestly say that the entire truth has not been told. Why are they hiding information and covering up the facts? They avoided a bin Laden trial at all costs , and though I don't believe myself that bin Laden was still alive at his recent alleged assasination (my belief is that he died in 2002), the Taliban offered to hand him over if he were granted a trial.
Here is an excerpt from Noam Chomski in his article  I read this morning  9/11 - was there an alternative?
"There has never been any reason to doubt what the FBI believed in mid-2002, but that leaves us far from the proof of guilt required in civilised societies - and whatever the evidence might be, it does not warrant murdering a suspect who could, it seems, have been easily apprehended and brought to trial. Much the same is true of evidence provided since. Thus, the 9/11 Commission provided extensive circumstantial evidence of bin Laden’s role in 9/11, based primarily on what it had been told about confessions by prisoners in Guantanamo. It is doubtful that much of that would hold up in an independent court, considering the ways confessions were elicited. But in any event, the conclusions of a congressionally authorised investigation, however convincing one finds them, plainly fall short of a sentence by a credible court, which is what shifts the category of the accused from suspect to convicted." 
Though I disagree with his opening statement about doubting the FBI the rest of the paragraph is sound.  Obviously if trial had been in the interests of BushCo, and other entities he would have had one and we would have gleaned much clearer information on the events of  September 11,2001 than we currently have. Perhaps that is exactly why there never was, or was going to be a trial, in fact I am certain of that based on the disinformation alone.    
    Going forward it is a fact that many of the people that received settlements from the government for their losses  from the events signed agreements  with the government never to speak of what had occurred that fateful  day. Furthermore,  Sibel  Edmonds, an FBI linguist and translator who was hired by the government to translate recorded conversations as well as documented information after the incidents had an entirely different take on what had occurred that day, and when she reported government collusion, was promptly gagged by the Bush Administration under threat of imprisonment.  What enrages me about Ms.  Edmonds story is you could not see evidence of her plight anywhere in the mainstream media. It was a total blackout as was the Cheney Energy Commission report, the first 9-11 report, the sworn testimonies of Sibel Edmonds, which never saw print, as well as many other testimonies including the unsworn testimonies of President George W. Bush and his sidekick Vice President Richard “Dick” Cheney! Maybe this flies okay with all of you but I simply cannot for one, trust anyone that is not telling me the truth, namely the U.S. Government, and secondly support their story which is undoubtedly based on erroneous claims. How can anyone do so? I just can’t imagine? Getting back to Sibel Edmonds, she later violated the gag order and you can find a plethora of information on her website Boiled Frogs which is sure to open your eyes to the idea that you are being snookered again by the government in concert with the mainstream media.

   When last evening came upon me it brought the latest propaganda in the Flight 93 Memorial set to propagate the government’s myth, or should I say theories because that is just what they are! A story that is based on suppositions rather than facts is nothing more than a theoretical story. That would make the governments story no better than versions from opponents of the official line. That would also make the governments story the biggest conspiracy theory out there! Interestingly, several of the 9-11 Commissions top members have publicly denounced the report and pointed out that there were lies and inaccuracies, and that the entire report is called into question as it is based on third party interviews and torture for its information. It is a foregone conclusion and even fact that confessions and evidence which is based on torture is nothing short of worthless!  Here is what members of the 9-11 Commision had to say about their report:

     So, we have a report based on lies, omissions, distortions, torture and third party information that we have been told to accept as facts, when in reality it is nothing short of a conspiracy theory itself on grand display with all the mainstream media trimmings and blessings based upon a Commission that was set up, to my utter disgust, 17 months after the events took place and on a shoestring budget at that! The 9-11 Commission was called the Kean Commission even though it was Phillip Zelikow, a close friend of Condoleeza Rice that had the final say as to what went into the report. The Commissioners themselves have stated that the report is inaccurate and that they were repeatedly lied to by the military and not shown all the available information. How do you put a puzzle together without all the pieces? Now, if this all does not convince you to call into question the government’s “official” version of the events of September 11, 2001 World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks as well as anything else they have to say, I don’t know what will?

Here are some links to Sibel Edmonds and the shocking truth about the cause of the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks everyone who wants truth should check out:

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