In 1972 the United States government, under President Richard M. Nixon (criminal extraordinaire), our country instituted a war unlike any before. This war had no attacking enemy, and targeted a sector of the population, of which every country's population contains. That sector happened to be individuals with addictive personalities, and the conflict is known as the "war on drugs" and it has been going on longer than any other war in the history of this country, at over 45 years, and the casualties are US citizens, while the attackers are US Law Enforcement agencies. These agencies, which include the the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) have been given broad powers in this so called war. It has become routine for Law Enforcement to invade privacy, trespass, beat and even murder individuals involved at any level, without retribution upon the government who perpetrated this conspiracy against its own population. The harm caused by these agencies is far worse that any inflicted by the mostly drug users they target. In fact, they, have erroneously and inadvertently, entered the wrong households on so many occasions, it is absurd! On one such occasion, a flash grenade was lobbed into a toddlers crib, substantially burning his skin to a point of reconstructive surgery! It is so bad that our local police forces are arming themselves with military grade hardware to go up against common folk with these addictive tendencies, and those who seek to lift themselves from poverty by risking imprisonment by a policy which begs this behaviour.
It would be one thing if the war on drugs were what our government purported it to be, but the facts speak for themselves, and they are nothing short of shocking to the conscience!
I have been a victim of this so called war myself and I am disgusted by the fact that it has been revealed on a recent History Channel documentary, the four part "Americas War on Drugs," that an agency of federal US government, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), has been involved with supplying the major drug cartels, such as, for example, cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar, with the cocaine that ends up on the streets of America on a daily basis, without end! The hypocrisy of this is staggering! Furthermore, it is a proven fact that the Taliban destroyed 95% of Afghanistan's opium poppy fields in 1995 to keep the CIA from cashing in on the heroin industry to fund its black ops! Today, after the United States invasion, the crops are more massive than ever before, and the potency is at a whole new level, and killing people in our streets at an unprecedented rate, while the United States military, funded by the same taxpayers who are being thrown in prison on a daily basis for drug use, has been stationed to protect the opium from harms way! To put this in simple words, US taxpayers, who fund the military and the government law enforcement agencies to fight the war on drugs, have been hoodwinked on what can be describes as nothing short of a criminal conspiracy which makes most other criminal conspiracies, (with the exception of the Federal Reserve bank,of course), pale in comparison! In regard to the Federal Reserve, the drug war is most certainly, tied in to the wealthy elitists who control this nation through its monetary system. Do you think these greedy bastards would allow all that money from all that heroin go in someone else's pockets? HELL NO!!
Most Americans know what occurred during the Prohibition of alcohol, that being creation of gangland activity for the new black market that sprang out of it. Most Americans also know that the Prohibition, DID NOT WORK!! The same is most certainly true for the War on Drugs, which costs taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars yearly, on a failed policy which has even forced the population of our Mexican neighbor to the south, to flee up north to escape the murder, rape and destruction of Mexico from within, and from the vying drug cartels of their land!
In 2001, the government of Portugal, decriminalized ALL drugs, including the most dangerous drug of all, in my fact based opinion...heroin, (that is, of course with the exception of alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceuticals). Guess what happened? Interestingly, and not really to unexpected, Portugal's drug use went down. That's just for starters. Gangland activity and the need for law enforcement to battle the benefactors of prohibitions...i.e., gangs and people in depressed areas, also plummeted. In other words, this war on the nation's citizenry, is doing far more harm than good, and spits in the face of a truly free society.
When a country touts itself as "the land of the free" it is exceptionally hypocritical! This country imprisons more people per capita than any country on the planet, including China, with over 3 times our population! Unfortunately, those who have been indoctrinated, or otherwise brainwashed, via the Bankster controlled public school system, and media, that this war on drugs does anything positive towards a better society, are nothing but mind controlled automatons, who have given away not only those who use drugs Constitutional rights, but also their own!
Given the fact that this war on drugs depends on the CIA to fill the orders of so called "drug kingpins" I would not only say, but DEMAND that our leaders end the war on drugs, which does nothing but cause misery to everyone involved with the exception of the Banksters and their greedy friends who benefit from it, via this counterproductive legislation!
It is far past the time when the US government, follows in the steps of Portugal and most recently, Ireland to end this insidious war on drugs, and bring sanity back! The drug problem is a medical problem like alcoholism and should be treated as such, especially in the country where freedom is the cornerstone! I urge all of you who read this to look up and contact your state representatives and tell them to end their war on drugs immediately, and treat instead of incarcerate!
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