Thursday, October 12, 2017

Citizenship Assumption

    Where is the law that states that just because I am in any geographical location I am subject to its laws? When were any of us asked if we wanted to be "citizens?" How can it be assumed that simply because I was born in any geographic location, I am owned or part of a group, I may not wish to be associated with? For example. I detest that our monetary system is owned and controlled by private Bankster citizens, who pulled a financial coup on our government in 1913 and have been openly subverting our Bill of Rights ever since! I detest the wars these Bankster scumbags have had us mired in and profiteering by since the Battle of Waterloo! I hate that their control of our monetary system has allowed them to subvert our Constitution, which was ratified fully interpreted and etched in stone, yet suddenly requires interpretation and scholars to "help us" understand the plain meaning! I am for NONE of the terrorism our country has been forcing upon the planet, nor am I for the genocide! I want nothing to do with it! I don't even want to get started on their illegal,immoral and unconstitutional war on drugs which is simply a tool of control! 

      One last point...If I was not born with any special, (God given ,if you so believe) right to command you, and you were not born with any special authority to command me,and NO ONE ELSE was born with any special authority to command another , then how do two or more combine their "NON-EXISTENT" authority and tell the third what they can and cannot do,beyond the law of trespass? Zero authority plus zero authority equals ZERO authority! Voting should be considered a criminal act whenever it violates another's right to do anything solong as it does not violate the law of trespass against another's property or self! A shakedown is a shakedown! There will be no involuntary servitude!

Sunday, September 24, 2017


Last night a Delavan Township Judge, a Judge Thompson, to be precise, proved my point to the letter by the unbridled power surge displayed in his courtroom. Thompson would have made Judge Roy Bean proud, when he decided to chuck out his legal ethics and power trip me into jail! Now I know why they call it a "criminal" justice system because his behavior proves beyond a doubt who the real criminals are, and some sit behind the shakedown bench.

Let me go back to the beginning. I was pulled over and issued a traffic citation for driving my newly purchased school bus to my moms house when I bought it. I inadvertantly turned onto a road that had flags on it stating their was a weight limit on it. This was absurd in itself, as school buses and semis traverse that road every day, yet it happened to be my misfortune that this one mile strip of road, had a cop car on the other end. When I realized my mistake (there were no warnings from the road I turned off of about this weight limit), it was already too late. There was really nowhere to turn around and had I done so, the cop would have been on my ass anyway so all I could do is continue in his direction. He, of course pulled me over, and treated me like a criminal from the start! Even though I was supposedly not able to drive the bus from that point on, the dishonest cop had me drive a mile and a half past my original destination, in fact, looking back, I wish I had thought to pull in there, instead of going past, and had me pull into a parking lot so he could weigh my vehicle. He then wrote me a ticket for $1,400 bucks, just for the bus being on that road! I might ad, that since the incident, the road was paved over, (I wonder where they got the money for that? My pocket probably!) , no reconstruction, just paved over!!  This, in my personal experience, is indicative of fraudulent claims by the township of Delavan to rack up tickets, and shake people down!

   Prior to my court date I inadvertently lost my paper with the court date on it. I decided since court was held on Thursdays that I would just go in and if nothing else request another date. I did this on the spur of the moment and went in totally unprepared. I can only blame myself for this, but the Judge clearly did not like me, or the fact that I was trying my own case, and I had the misfortune of it being my court date that night. I told him that I have ADD, and lost my slip, and requested a different date. He would not have it. I was forced to proceed without my notes, and I did so, at a clear disadvantage. I, of course, lost, though I realized later, that I should have asked a pertinent question that I neglected to ask. The Judge nailed me with the full fines. So I decided to appeal to the county. 

This is where it gets even more ludicrous! I followed the appeal instructions, and went to the Township courthouse to file them, Not once. Not twice, but three times. All three times, there was NO ONE THERE to file papers with. On the second occasion there was a woman working behind the counter where a clerk should be, but she claimed she was not a clerk and informed me that I had to go and hand them to the cops on duty. I then went to speak to the officer at the desk and he informed me that I had to go over to the glass cubicle with an officer there. I did so. When I went to file the papers the young lady accepted them, but would not take my appeal fee or my Jury trial fee. I left, very disgruntled but assumed, (as I think anyone else would under the circumstances) that this was simply how they did it there. WRONG!! A few days later I was sent a denial by the "Honorable" Judge Thompson in  a long winded reason why I was denied, one for not paying the fees, (that they refused to accept). Secondly, for not filing them on time (even though I was a full 24 hours early), and thirdly, because I did not hand the Township Prosecutor his copy. What they failed to acknowledge or even put into the Appeal instructions was the fact that their Prosecutor, lives in another town 30 or 40 miles from the Delavan Township and in another county as well! No mention in the Appeal rules, although the Judge said he tells everyone that prior to court. To this I can only say, that most people are so overwhelmed and intimidated by the system, that they miss much of what anyone says, and usually leave so confused that they are in a total quandary.

    Not to be deterred, I had only one option left. I decided to challenge their Jurisdiction over me. In other words, their authority to force my compliance. You see, jurisdiction can be challenged at any time. Even AFTER a conviction. Som I went to the Delavan Township courthouse on the Following Thursday and filed my papers with the Judge, Prosecutor and Clerk, who were all present that evening. They accepted the papers, though the Clerk refused to accept my certificate of service. This seemed pretty shady tom me, but I left, still expecting a response from the court. I did, however, go back in the following Thursday and deliver an affidavit of service on the motions filed the previous week as a safeguard. I waited 21 days and NEVER GOT A RESPONSE! At that time I decided to give it one more week, because the officer, acting as bailiff, on duty informed me the night I delivered the affidavit of service that the Judge was planning on responding to my motions. STILL NOTHING! So I decided to again, go into court and confront this pathetic criminal Judge and hopefully compel a response. I brought in a motion for Judicial Notice, which is supposed to compel a court into action. When I gave the clerk the papers, she informed me that I had warrant out for my arrest for failure to pay my fines. Now, I can only tell you, that I was astounded by this! As far as I was concerned, this action was still being litigated, I was extremely angered by this, but I kept my cool. I was the second person called up that night. But it should be pointed out, that Judge Thompson, while giving his long winded speech for everyone present in court that night, had stated to the poor sucker he was shaking down for his traffic violation, that he could not hold court on the matter because the Prosecutor was not there that night, and it would be against and beyond Judicial responsibility. Unfortunately, for me, this shyster, threw his previous statement out the door when I came up! This contemptuous excuse for a Judge literally took the role of Judge, Jury and Prosecutor in his advocacy for the state, and without showing me proof of Jurisdiction in any legal sense of word, not only failed miserably to address the jurisdictional question, which was, as Marc Stevens put it, "show me the law that says that just because I am in a certain geographical location, that I have to conform to its laws." This so called Judge, did not address my legal questions at all, except to try to baffle me with nonsensical double talk! In fact, he was so irate by my completely sane and rational legal questions, that he was clearly flustered into his only means to end the discussion. He blurted out, well your going to jail, and he motioned for his armed government thugs to cuff me and bring me to county jail. (It should be noted that I knew as soon as I saw those thugs entered the courtroom, prior to court, that the Judge had this plan all along, that is why they were there!). So, without a proper response to my motions, this corrupt shakedown artist, wielded his mighty power, and shucked me off to jail, simply because he had no valid response to my legal questions!

    What happened next, was priceless! While I was awaiting either jail, or my friends coming by to bail me out, another individual I had been acquainted with who was also in court that night, was hauled in as well, and he was exhilarated by the evenings events! He told me that while I was up there, the audience was awed and impressed with my challenge to the corrupt court, and he said that, the Judge was out of line completely! He said, that he thought that my argument was the best he had ever heard and that the only reason the Judge threw me in jail was he was dumbfounded by my Jurisdictional challenge, so he short circuited for lack of a sensible response, and what should have been for him to reverse his previous decision.  My argument is straightforward and merited a proper legal response. The proof of this is that this mealy mouthed individual calling himself a Judge, could not come up with a proper response so he simply violated my civil rights and had me apprehended. I should point out that the other guy who was railroaded tat night in question, stated to me that I was very respectful, and courteous as far as he could see, and that he fully understood what I was saying, but that the corruptible Judge, clearly knew my argument was right on, but he could not allow me tom upset the apple cart, and turn their criminal racket on its head my properly responding to my motions. So, this skunk used the only option available to him and threw the book at me, like a child who couldn't have his way, so he lashed out!

    Well, the Judge got his shakedown money that night, because my only option was to digh deep if I didn't want to spend the next 17 days in jail. So I forked over $1,400.00 dollars that I didn't really have to spare, to enable my departure from the Walworth County lockup. One thing I can assure you is this...I WILL BE BACK TO CONFRONT THAT SCUMBAG JUDGE, and I will use any options available to me to see he is ousted from his unethical perch! I am going to file a complaint with the Office of judicial Review and write letters tom the editors or hopefully a story on this event for all to see, even if I have to pay for it to be placed like an ad. I am also going to force response to my motions and have them scrutinized by a competent attorney, and seek out real justice, not this guys bubble gum wrapper notion of it! He has not heard the last of me! 

Thursday, September 21, 2017



1). Take back monetary system from Banksters

2). End Bankster wars

3). End War on Drugs

4). End two party political system

5). Strip down CONgress, Take away lifelong pay and all benefits and hire an independent agency to ensure Constitutional compliance of members and to monitor its pay and benefits. NO MORE voting itself largesse, permanent 2 term limit!

6). Shut down ALL Federal Agencies, including and especially Dept of Education CIA, DEA, IRS, NSA, DHS and FBI. They are currently under the control of Rothschild Banksters as is Trump!

7). End Presidential Executive Orders and signing statements.

8). Strip down Supreme Court and ALL their prior decisions that do not comply with Bill of Rights to the letter of the law, not "interpretation," and QUIT interpretation...IT SAYS WHAT IT MEANS!

9). End Democratic/Republican control over elections and debates.

10). Force Police to comply with "to serve and protect!" NO MORE police brutality, no more killer cops. Cops are subservient to taxpayers!


Wednesday, September 20, 2017


     In 1972 the United States government, under President Richard M. Nixon (criminal extraordinaire), our country instituted a war unlike any before. This war had no attacking enemy, and targeted a sector of the population, of which every country's population contains. That sector happened to be individuals with addictive personalities, and the conflict is known as the "war on drugs" and it has been going on longer than any other war in the history of this country, at over 45 years, and the casualties are US citizens, while the attackers are US Law Enforcement agencies. These agencies, which include the the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) have been given broad powers in this so called war.  It has become routine for Law Enforcement to invade privacy, trespass, beat and even murder individuals involved at any level, without retribution upon the government who perpetrated this conspiracy against its own population. The harm caused by these agencies is far worse that any inflicted by the mostly drug users they target. In fact, they, have erroneously and inadvertently, entered the wrong households on so many occasions, it is absurd! On one such occasion, a flash grenade was lobbed into a toddlers crib, substantially burning his skin to a point of reconstructive surgery!  It is so bad that our local police forces are arming themselves with military grade hardware to go up against common folk with these addictive tendencies, and those who seek to lift themselves from poverty by risking imprisonment by a policy which begs this behaviour.

    It would be one thing if the war on drugs were what our government purported it to be, but the facts speak for themselves, and they are nothing short of shocking to the conscience!
     I have been a victim of this so called war myself and I am disgusted by the fact that it has been revealed on a recent History Channel documentary, the four part "Americas War on Drugs," that an agency of federal US government, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), has been involved with supplying the major drug cartels, such as, for example, cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar, with the cocaine that ends up on the streets of America on a daily basis, without end! The hypocrisy of this is staggering! Furthermore, it is a proven fact that the Taliban destroyed 95% of Afghanistan's opium poppy fields in 1995 to keep the CIA from cashing in on the heroin industry to fund its black ops! Today, after the United States invasion, the crops are more massive than ever before, and the potency is at a whole new level, and killing people in our streets at an unprecedented rate, while the United States military, funded by the same taxpayers who are being thrown in prison on a daily basis for drug use, has been stationed to protect the opium from harms way! To put this in simple words, US taxpayers, who fund the military and the government law enforcement agencies to fight the war on drugs, have been hoodwinked on what can be describes as nothing short of a criminal conspiracy which makes most other criminal conspiracies, (with the exception of the Federal Reserve bank,of course),  pale in comparison! In regard to the Federal Reserve, the drug war is most certainly, tied in to the wealthy elitists who control this nation through its monetary system. Do you think these greedy bastards would allow all that money from all that heroin go in someone else's pockets? HELL NO!!

      Most Americans know what occurred during the Prohibition of alcohol, that being creation of gangland activity for the new black market that sprang out of it. Most Americans also know that the Prohibition, DID NOT WORK!! The same is most certainly true for the War on Drugs, which costs taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars yearly, on a failed policy which has even forced the population of our Mexican neighbor to the south, to flee up north to escape the murder, rape and destruction of Mexico from within, and from the vying drug cartels of their land!

     In 2001, the government of Portugal, decriminalized ALL drugs, including the most dangerous drug of all, in my fact based opinion...heroin, (that is, of course with the exception of alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceuticals). Guess what happened? Interestingly, and not really to unexpected, Portugal's drug use went down. That's just for starters. Gangland activity and the need for law enforcement to battle the benefactors of prohibitions...i.e.,   gangs and people in depressed areas, also plummeted. In other words, this war on the nation's citizenry, is doing far more harm than good, and spits in the face of a truly free society.
When a country touts itself as "the land of the free" it is exceptionally hypocritical! This country imprisons more people per capita than any country on the planet, including China, with over 3 times our population! Unfortunately, those who have been indoctrinated, or otherwise brainwashed, via the Bankster controlled public school system, and media, that this war on drugs does anything positive towards a better society, are nothing but mind controlled automatons, who have given away not only those who use drugs Constitutional rights, but also their own!

     Given the fact that this war on drugs depends on the CIA to fill the orders of so called "drug kingpins" I would not only say, but DEMAND that our leaders end the war on drugs, which does nothing but cause misery to everyone involved with the exception of the Banksters and their greedy friends who benefit from it, via this counterproductive legislation!

It is far past the time when the US government, follows in the steps of Portugal and most recently, Ireland to end this insidious war on drugs, and bring sanity back! The drug problem is a medical problem like alcoholism and should be treated as such, especially in the country where freedom is the cornerstone! I urge all of you who read this to look up and contact your state representatives  and tell them to end their war on drugs immediately, and treat instead of incarcerate!