For all of you that don’t think you are victims of mass brainwashing through very simple propaganda techniques, think again! It is really not surprising at all when you think about it. For example let’s take the fact that we all understand that killing someone is wrong and that if we do so and get caught, we will probably spend most, if not all of our lives in jail. Murder is one of the four crimes along with trespass, rape and theft that most would agree are no brainers when it comes to the commission of such. Anyone with any wits at all understands these four crimes to be wrong with very little or no coaxing at all. In fact, that said, these four crimes are the only true Common Law crimes. So how is it then that when your government goads you into a war where perhaps millions will die, you don’t even give it a second thought? Why is it that it is wrong for you to kill one on one, but it is all right to venture off into another land at the behest of your governing body and kill en masse just because they say it’s okay to do so? Sorry, but this is not going to be just another anti-war rant, but rather a cold, hard look at government manipulation through thought control via the media and education system of you, and yours.
Please, keep in mind those in charge have had a long time to work on us all and have done a pretty good job of making cold blooded killers out of us all, while most seem oblivious to it. The government tells you what to feel and you feel it. They tell you we have been attacked, and you mindlessly believe them though they produce no tangible evidence of an attack or who orchestrated it with any substantial proof, and have been caught at false flag operations in more than one instance such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident which launched us into the Vietnam war which killed over 2 million Vietnamese and 60 thousand of our own countrymen. All that death was based on an inside job lie!
What the protagonists do is alert your sense of patriotism and you become all up in arms against the adversary and anyone that questions the status quo is considered unpatriotic or crazy. Keep in mind that war is very profitable for some and always has been. Most people don’t seem to have the ability to fathom just what is really going on. Why are we constantly mired in war? The profits is why and I assure you in most cases for the past century the same war profiteers names will keep coming up.
Here are two quotes that I think you’ll find of interest:
“Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” |
I especially like the last two sentences of that paragraph it is chilling considering the source, that being Hitler’s top henchman! Now here’s one from Hitler himself:
By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise. - Adolf Hitler
Interesting huh? Do you think Hitler was the only leader using that strategy? Think again as ours have torn a page out of the same playbook and utilized it for some time. Now all you need to realize that it wasn’t or isn’t surprisingly enough, Hitler’s government that takes advantage of its citizenry, but rather ALL governments that do so. It’s simply a matter of time before it occurs. That is just another way you have been mesmerized by your governing body. In doing their bidding through your indoctrinated sense of patriotism you care not who they kill or why they kill them and presume they do the right thing every time without question. But they don’t and you are fooling yourself if you believe they do. Allowing the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and our so called intel agencies to run rampant on the planet is no different than allowing your child to remain in the candy store by himself without expectation of over indulgence! In fact, I dare say that the child in the candy store would be a much safer bet than our leaders with all that money to spend and benefit from. So for all of those that think that it is okay to mass murder because your government said so, I think it’s time for some serious reevaluation of your belief system and just how mesmerized and dependant you have become with them.
By the way, this is just one exaple.
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