Newt Gingrich? Mitt Romney? Really? Really Ted? These two are the absolute WORST choices we could display for a presidential candidate to go up against Obama in 2012! They are both flip-flopping, on the take, bankster yes-men politicians. With either of them.....NOTHING WILL CHANGE!!!
Where it's true that Obama is destroying America, neither of those two will change that direction, in George Carlins words, AT ALL, AT ALL, AT ALL!!. They are both status quo candidates and must be eliminated from the race AT ALL COSTS!
The ONLY candidate that sets himself apart from the rest on all issues including monetary policy, foreign policy, education policy and yes our Draconian freedom robbing drug policy is Ron Paul. Ron Paul being both a Doctor and having served in the Air Force as a flight surgeon as well as his proven knowledge of the U.S. Constitution and especially monetary policy has everything covered on what it will take to cure America from its spiral downhill into the "third world country" abyss it is on course towards. In other words a vote for any other of those clowns,( including and especially Obama), will end up in the destruction of this country and its sovereignty for certain. Drastic change is the only thing that will return America to greatness and Ron Paul is the medicine this country needs to get back onto that course! Congressman Paul has never strayed from his Constitutional morals and wants to end the legal plunder that has rotted America’s core. Unless we take the drastic action required now by supporting Ron Paul this country is doomed to fail as it cannot sustain this debt much longer. It’s simply a matter of time. That time is growing shorter by the day! All of you who are reading this now, if you back any other candidate but Doctor Paul, or if Obama wins the upcoming election mark my words, economic collapse will be inevitable, and you will get what you deserve!
Ron Paul, the ONLY candidate with proven economic policy education will slash a trillion dollars from the budget, yes that TRILLION with a T, the first year where the other candidates’ pale in comparison with the usual band-aid mentality. Ron Paul will make this economy healthy and vibrant again and give the Middle Class the boost it needs to get a foothold again and end the cycle that is making this country a nation of extreme wealth disparity through its economic disparity between the rich and the poor.
So Ted, if you really care about this country, I am telling you, stop dissing the ONLY candidate that can make any real difference in the usual politics and support Ron Paul so we can get this country back on track away from the current police state mentality we have been duped into. I realize he’s not pretty or slick and may not come across as capable but he is and has proven his principals and economic knowledge over and over again. For all you naysayers that think Ron Paul cannot win the nomination I say poppycock! Go read Frederick Bastiats book titled The Law (audio book link posted below)and then if you want to understand what Ron Paul is truly about rather than taking it from the bought and paid for mainstream media , go to Understanding Ron Paul at the link below this article as well. The change that Obama ran on never happened; now it is time to give the Champion of the Constitution an opportunity to do what doctors do best, resuscitate America.