Part I
"In a free world, you should be able to swing your arms in any direction just so long as you don’t come in contact with another person and intentionally harming them."- Tom Beaulieu
Does anyone know what it is to be in a gilded cage? Well you should because that is EXACTLY where we all are! Why do I say this? First off, let me inform those of you who do not understand the term gilded cage, just what the term means. This idiom definition for gilded cage goes as such: “If someone is in a gilded cage, they are trapped and have restricted or no freedom, but have very comfortable surroundings..” Because we have gotten so used to being TOLD or indoctrinated by our government and its government run school curriculum to believe we are free that we don't even question it we simply believe it without truly understanding what freedom is. Think about it, and think about it hard because people like Adolph Hitler knew what freedom was, but he also knew, as does our government who took the rules right out of Hitlers’ play book to indoctrinate or otherwise propagandize us all into thinking we are free. Here is a Hitler quote:
That is EXACTLY what is happening here!
So let’s us examine what freedom means or to be more precise what is the meaning of the word freedom?
freedom; the state of being free or liberated –Blacks Law Dictionary
That includes freedom from government tyranny! ALL GOVERNMENTS tyrannize and ours has become most adept at it. In fact we are on a path to put Hitler to shame! Furthermore, in the end of the most successful governments, they all end up tyrannizing their own citizens.
Now let’s put all the state statutes aside for a minute so I can demonstrate just how much our government has been compromised. We all know that there are four true crimes , not to be confused with the Ten Commandments most of which are covered within these four. The four crimes are as follows:
We don’t trespass, we don’t steal, we don’t rape and we don’t murder. Anything else beyond those four natural law crimes are simply government contrivances to take your money and justify the police state existence we have all come to accept as normal. Nothing about a police state is normal! You’ve just been trained to think it is. Just think of all those police “hero” programs you watch on tv and in the movies. You are being indoctrinated to think that they are always good and that anyone they arrest are criminals. Nothing could be further from the truth. If someone trespasses upon someone else or their persons by inflicting bodily harm on them , THAT constitutes a crime. If you steal another’s property that constitutes a crime as well as do rape and murder which are of course no brainers. But does the use of marijuana, constitute a crime? It does NOT fall under the natural law crimes mentioned above nor, for that matter do the usage of cocaine, heroin or methamphetamine, though I do not condone their usage, the illegality of all only serves to propagate its illegal distribution making a mountain out of a molehill!
Keeping that in mind and holding those thoughts in check for now, let me pose a simple question and I’d really like you all to think objectively about it. Keep in mind, words like royalty or presidency are merely indoctrinations placed upon us throughout time by those who have accumulated wealth and have propped themselves up to give a false impression upon us that they have authority over us, nothing more! So here it goes:
If I as a natural born person of this land have no natural born authority to command you, and you as a natural born person of this land have no natural born authority to command me, then how do two people combine their “non-existent” authority to tell the third that they cannot, say smoke marijuana (or you may fill in the blank____________ with anything which does not fit the criteria of the four common law crimes aforementioned)?
In other words, no one, and I mean no one has any authority over anyone else to command them! Furthermore, that being said, no one has the authority to even vote on anything that would rob you of any freedoms that do not directly correspond or relate to those four common law crimes mentioned above! PERIOD!
What has happened in this so called land of the free is that we have allowed government expansionism through avarice and greed to create statutes which seriously violate our sovereign rights to be truly free. Do you realize that the prison system of this country is privately owned and controlled? That said, to what end do you think the people who benefit from YOUR tax dollars will go to keep them filled and expanding by the creation of more laws to preserve their profiteering? Think about it!
Adolph Hitler also had another famous quote, he said”
“how fortunate for those of us in power that people do not think!”
Nice huh? Well it’s all on you for your inattention to the shenanigans your leaders are pulling in your good names and on your dime. In other words, it’s your fault for spending more time watching your sporting events then you do preserving your freedom!
What happened in this country we all refer to as America that we have allowed the so called “authorities” to create a system of government expansionism and we have accepted it as the norm when really it is nothing more than a police state! Do you understand that taxation of the people is all it takes to fall under the heading police state? If you are forced to do something against your will that is a police state. So, unfortunately for us all, we have been repeatedly and consistently lied to by our governing body. The Founding Fathers had some things right, unfortunately they allowed for the expansionism via the Federal Government against the good sense of the wisest of them all that being Thomas Paine without whom this country would never have declared its independence from Great Britain. Paine’s writings of Common Sense are what educated the Commoners and taught them not to allow another Monarchy. Much can be learned still today by anyone wanting to grasp the true meaning of what freedom really is by going to the two links below and listening to the free audio books at the links provided and I urge you all to do so simply to understand what it is that todays Thomas Paine in the person of Ron Paul is trying to covey to you. In my opinion, he is the last hope for this country and the powers that be will do anything they can, and have been, to undermine him.
Here’s how government expansionism works.
The government, through its legislators who need to do something to show they are earning their exorbitant keep, (which is derived through your taxes and fines imposed upon you) will go to great lengths to create crimes out of non criminal activity falling under the four true natural law crimes. This is easily done. They simply convince you that these non crimes substantiate criminal activity and create new criminality which in turn generates revenue. The 18th Amendment which allowed the Prohibition which deprived citizens of the right to the use of alcohol should be a prime example of this. Though for once our leaders actually created a law in the Constitutional manner they were supposed to create all laws, they really missed the boat on that one! In fact the government should never be able to force someone not to do something harmful to themselves, but rather should be able to advise against it if harmful. It is not the governments right to control what you ingest or your behavior just so long as you are not doing something to harm another person. Back to the Prohibition, remember all those stories of Al Capone and the gangs of that era? This criminality and these gangs were all created due to the passage of the 18th Amendment. Had that Amendment never seen the light of day neither would Al Capone, the gangs and all of the “created” criminality which derived from it all due to that Amendment. Hence they passed a law to make alcohol sales illegal which allowed gangs like Al Capones to generate income “illegally” by providing alcohol on the black market. Furthermore, the newly created illegality in turn required the “need” for more law enforcement to battle this newly created criminality thus directly causing the creation of organizations like the FBI and the IRS which may never come into existence had it not been for this draconian legislation. Of course later the 18th Amendment was abolished but not before a lot of death and destruction brought about directly by your friendly neighborhood government. Now the government had the need to keep their bloated bureaucracy and their new agencies working so low and behold they dreamed up their new brainchild with the demonization of Hemp/marijuana brought about by the Hearst’s and the DuPont’s (for more on this go to my blog on this subject )which later evolved into the War on Drugs. What a perfect and open ended tool for government abuse this new war on drugs would become! Then, even much worse for us all, their newest contrivance the war on terror which continues to line a handful of people’s pockets with gold at the expense of the plundered nations and your tax dollars.
Hoping to keep this short and sweet as I endeavor to drive the point home that we are ever and ever so becoming mere slaves to the ultra rich Plutocrats that are really running things as opposed to say Barak Obama who is nothing but a Bankster puppet I ask you all to go to my blog and read about the Rothschilds and the illegalization of marijuana. You all have the ability to think for yourselves, so quit allowing these people to do your thinking for you. As a very wise man I know who goes by the name of Eric Williams repeatedly tries to convey “thinking is hard work, it is the hardest work of all!” That said, we all have the capacity to do so. So I ask you all read the blog, listen to the links posted below and then look into Ron Paul. Go to YouTube and listen to him in the debates. This country MUST make a gigantic reversal and we must
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